When a customer searches for a product, search results can be sorted by store distance, price or popularity
A customer can compare shops based on their price and based on the satisfaction of other customers
By adding shop to the list of favorites, customer can be notified of that store's notifications and sales
Customers can see all the sales of their favorite stores in one place and share this sales to their friends and family
Customers can chat about stores and their products. Like or dislike products or stores. and share their favorite topics
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In Promotium, resellers, farmers, fishermen and all store owners can introduce their products directly to customers without intermediaries. With this method, Promotium helps alot in development of local businesses
When the user searches for a word. The application checks the presence of that word in stores, products and product groups
User can sort the search result based on distance,price,availability,in sale and numer of likes or dislikes.
The user can see the location of the stores on the map and choose the most suitable store.
Business owners can create sales and offer a certain number of products with a desired discount. This sales can be activated at the specified time and automatically deactivated after completion.
Create sales
Notify customers
Win,win trading happend!
Promotium is designed to answer these two questions
As a shop owner, how to sell your fresh products to customers in the shortest possible time?
As a customer, how to buy the freshest and latest products at the most affordable price?
This is where promotion plays its key role in business
Download App. It will work for
Android, Mac & Windows
For shop owners free and paid plans based on their usage & facilities
Search & find what you want
or Create your amazing shop
1 Shop
5 Products
2 Monthly sales
1 Monthly normal notification
1 Monthly push notification
No chance to appear on Promotium main page
1 Shop
30 Products
4 Monthly sales
20 Monthly normal notifications
10 Monthly push notifications
Low chance to appear on Promotium main page
1 Shop
100 Products
8 Monthly sales
50 Monthly normal notifications
30 Monthly push notifications
Medium chance to appear on Promotium main page
1 Shop
200 Products
20 Monthly sales
100 Monthly normal notifications
50 Monthly push notifications
High chance to appear on Promotium main page
5 Shops
500 Products
50 Monthly sales
300 Monthly normal notifications
200 Monthly push notifications
Highest chance to appear on Promotium main page
Not sure what to choose ? contact us for custom packages